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A good fit? Attracting and retaining talent

What’s the vibe like in your workplace? Is it attractive to new and existing team members? Does your work culture nuture talent, encourage continuous learning and promote personal development?

Focusing on flexibility, inclusivity, wellbeing, and technology can help you attract and retain talent in a hiring market which is currently competitive and demanding.

With low unemployment and increased competition for people, businesses are changing their offering to attract and retain the best employees. It’s not just about money; the pandemic has caused people to re-evaluate their priorities, how they want to work, and who they want to work for.

In our first in a series of blogs looking at recruitment, we discussed how to 'Get your recruitment ad to yield results'. In our second blog we'll look specifically at your business - what can it offer to prospective candidates.

Here are 5 key elements to focus on:

​1. Flexible working conditions

We know that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to working conditions; there's now a greater emphasis on considering the needs and wants of the individual. The challenge for people professionals is to match these needs to the demands of the business operation.

The first step is to ask your people how they work best and what personal things they‘d ideally like to work around. Discuss how working practices were modified during the pandemic and what were the costs and benefits.

Whether it’s starting early, finishing later, working from home regularly, or accommodating a particular appointment each week, studies have shown that flexibility increases productivity, boosts morale, and increases loyalty. 

In Business Insider, one CEO discusses how flexibility has boosted productivity, reduced absenteeism and created happier employees. 

Research into the 4 day working week continues to gather pace - in a Q&A People Matter social post, we reported on a new UK study involving 70 companies which will look at productivity and wellbeing over a 6-month period.

​2. Diversity, equality and inclusion

Diversity breeds innovation and excellence. By recognising the value a diverse team brings, your business will attract more talent. 

When team members feel included, valued, and able to be themselves, they’re happier in their role and less likely to hop to grasses greener. 

Does your current recruitment strategy offer opportunities to attract a more diverse spectrum of talent? 

Evaluate your training and development strategy - if you’re unsure how to make your business truly diverse, equal and inclusive look at ways to widen your talent pool.

3. Prioritisation of mental health and wellbeing

People no longer accept that their mental health and wellbeing should come second to their job.

Burnout is a real issue and can have a negative impact on performance, relationships, and an increased amount of absenteeism. 

Evaluate your business and commitment to mental health. Ask yourself what you do to support your team’s health and wellbeing? For example, it could be offering a 4.5 day work week (on 5 days' pay), with an afternoon dedicated to yoga sessions or mindfulness. Perhaps arranging regular team social events or by offering lunchtime exercise sessions. The concept of introducing an office pet to the team is not a new one as Business Insider reveals.

​4. Technology as an enabler

Team members want to utilise the best technology to increase efficiency and automate tasks. 

How often do you review your technology infrastructure? Is it easy for your team to collaborate regardless of where they’re working? Does the team have oversight of what others are working on and what their priorities are? 

Are there tasks that are done manually but could be automated or streamlined with technology?

Ensure you're using data and tools to maximum effect so your teams are engaged and have the current information at their disposal. Accenture has written an excellent article on 'How to build a strong organizational culture' covering this aspect of workplace culture.

​5. Workplace vibe

Consider this thought: your team spends more hours at work than they do with their own family. 

Assuming your teams are now, in the main, back in the office environment, how does the vibe feel when you walk into your building? 

Are your team members working collaboratively and having fun while producing high-value work? 

Do they feel enabled to give honest feedback or ask for help when needed? When people are happy at work, they’re generally healthier, less anxious, feel inspired and motivated and have higher job satisfaction.

Areas for improvement

The next step is to sit down with these 5 elements and identify any areas of improvement which will help you attract and retain the best talent. 

Not all businesses can offer everything their people want but it is important to discuss and appreciate what each individual needs in order to thrive and find balance in their role. A happier team is more productive, performs to a higher standard, and is more likely to be committed and loyal to your business.

How can Q&A People Matter help?

Our team at Q&A People Matter have expertise and experience delivering people management services.

Do you need to widen your talent pool to be more inclusive, equal and diverse?

Get in contact with us. We can build a recruitment strategy with you - from establishing a policy, to making sure your hiring process is robust and identifies the best talent.


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