To ensure that your job evaluation scheme works in practice it needs to be robust, transparent and consistently applied.
Working with our partner Turning Point HR, we offer an analytical, web-based Job and Organisation Evaluation System (JOES©). The job evaluation framework can be tailored to match the exact culture of your organisation and can be linked into your existing competency framework or underpin a new one.
It includes pay and grading modelling capabilities, appeals process and a variety of exportable reports.
You can also input your current paper based scheme into its storage facility, accommodating various systems including: Hay, HERA, NJC, GLPC & others.
As part of our project management/planning service, we’ll support you through the full consultation process and will cover the following:
- Union consultations
- Communication strategy
- Job family identification
- The evaluation process
- The appeals process
- The rank order of roles within your organisation*
* Once this rank order of roles has been agreed, we can work with you to design:
- Grading structure
- External benchmarking
- Pay progression
- Organisational progression
- Performance management
- Internal training
We can then link the outcomes into training and development and competency frameworks. If you would like to know more contact us for a free web-based demo.